Reiki Trainings
Classes are a combination of lecture, discussion and hands-on experience.
Placements and Ignitions are in the Usui/Holy Fire® World Peace Reiki System.
Each level includes a digital manual, certificate upon completion, and follow up support.
NOTE - Reiki is open and accessible to any who wish to be attuned. Whether you are a practicing healer or simply wishing to expand on your personal journey, these energies offer a beautiful support to healing and self discovery. All are welcome here and however you choose to incorporate Reiki into your life following attunement is right.
$100 deposit to reserve your place.
Reiki I
1 day // $222
Upcoming Group Class: Spring 2025 (date TBC)
* all are welcome in this level one training! *
Heart Activation Meditation with accompanying symbol to expand the Heart and Etheric Heart chakras
Introduction to Reiki - history, what it is, how it can be used, different levels of Reiki, how attunement process works
Traditional Reiki Principles -The Reiki Ideals, The 3 Pillars of Reiki (Gassho, Reiji-ho , Chiryo), Kenyoku, Byosen Scanning
Basic Reiki hand positions
History of Holy Fire® World Peace Reiki
Reiki I Placement
Practice giving Reiki to yourself and to others
Using Reiki for cleansing and charging objects and spaces
Closing meditatoin
Trainings are done in person.
For Reiki I & II we will meet for a short introductory zoom call / group meditation the evening before class commences.

Reiki II
1 day // $333
Upcoming Group Class: Spring 2025 (date TBC)
* must have Reiki I for at least 1 month in advance of taking Reiki II to allow for integration *
Reiki supported meditation to meet you wherever you are on your spiritual path and provide appropriate energies to heal
and guide you toward the next level of your spiritual development.
Basics of the 7 chakra system and it's application in a Reiki session
Reiki II symbols - meaning, how to use them
Reiki II Placement
Practice with the Level II symbols
Explanation and practice of Level II techniques - Gyoshi-Ho (sending Reiki with the eyes), Koki-Ho (sending Reiki with the breath), Enkaku Chiryo (distant Reiki)
The use of the elements, crystals, and in Reiki, with practice
Closing meditation
Holy Fire Reiki Master / Teacher
3 days / $1111
Upcoming Group Class: Spring 2025 (date TBC)
Day 1
Reiki supported meditation to invite a sense of calm, grounding, belonging and connection to all living beings and to release any energies and attachments that are not aligned with the next stage of your spiritual development.
Discussion of soul, Spirit, guides, Self, and chakras
Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki system overview
Reiki Master Symbols - meaning, how to use them
Explanation of Holy Fire® Reiki Placements, Ignitions, and Experiences
Reiki III Placement
Additional hand positions to refine your energy flow in session
First Holy Fire® Master Ignition
Practice sessions for integration
Closing meditation
Day 2
Second Holy Fire® Master Ignition
Calling in the elements to support a Reiki session
Crystals and Reiki, with practice
Pendulum and Reiki, with practice
Connecting to Spirit and your guides for added support, practice connecting to your intuition
Third Holy Fire® Master Ignition
Practice sessions for integration
Holy Fire® Healing Experience for blockage release and empowerment of goals
Closing meditation
Day 3
Fourth Holy Fire® Master Ignition
Discussion of the values and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master
Holy Fire® Meditation
Healing Spirit Attachments
Giving yourself Ignitions as a boost
Teaching and conducting Reiki Experiences, Placements and Ignitions
Guidance in developing your own Reiki practice
Practice sessions for integration
Closing meditatoin
*must have Reiki II for at least 6 months in advance of taking Master / Teacher level training to allow for integration. If you have been attuned to the level two symbols in a different system of reiki, you are still welcome in this master level class.*
NOTE: This class is suitable for anyone looking to deepen their practice, whether you intend to teach or not. It offers profound healing energies that will continute to activate your natural intuitive abilities and facilitate your spiritual growth and expansion. Reiki energy will empower you to live in alignment with your highest Self.
Reiki I - For Kids
Reiki I - For Parent & Child
Holy Fire® Reiki is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand