my variation on the original Reiki ideals
Today, I will allow myself to feel all of my feelings.
I will hold tender space for all that arises,
and whatever is not serving my highest good,
I will release with love.
Today, I will approach all of my endeavours with care and with diligence.
Today, I will treat all life with love, kindness and respect.
I will practice reciprocity with this beautiful Mother Earth, and all of the beings who call her home.
Today, I will bless the waters that move within me and around me,
thank you for cleansing, for your wisdom and playful energy, thank you for giving life.
Today, I will listen to my body.
I will offer myself the nourishment, movement, and rest that I need.
Today, I will honour and acknowledge the gentle whisperings of my heart. I will listen and I will act upon them.
Today I will remember gratitude.

"To hold space means to bring compassionate presence to what is."
- Amy Wright Glenn